Monday, April 7, 2014

My Idea of Technology Integration

I believe technology integration can both add to and subtract from a classroom, but if used correctly by the teacher, I think it can be more of an advantage. It can certainly help students who might not be able to focus or learn in a “traditional” style classroom by bringing in different styles of learning. By bringing in technology like videos and classroom blogs or Facebook pages, a teacher can help students learn in a way they are more interested in. This generation is so plugged into the internet that if we as teachers decide to integrate the online language that they are speaking anyway, some students might find an interest in subjects they wouldn’t have otherwise discovered.

Using something that is so instantaneously available can be incredibly useful. Parents can check in on their students and see what they’re doing in class. Suddenly, parents feel like they are a part of the classroom atmosphere. It’s like they are watching the classroom through one-way glass. By posting pictures of lessons, projects, and videos of classroom learning, you let the parents be active observers in the classroom. However, this could definitely come with some caveats. It gives parents an easier way to criticize your teaching style. Privacy settings would definitely have to be set fairly high and the site monitored fairly regularly.

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